Birth 101: Childbirth Education Weekends

Birth 101: Childbirth Education Weekends

Join the Breathe, Bitch Doula team for a weekend of fun, interactive lessons to help prepare you for your birth! In this class you will learn the basics of birth, what common tools and interventions you might encounter in your birth setting(s), what questions you should be asking your provider, and so much more. We also teach and practice all of the hands-on comfort measures we use as doulas to support people during labor. After the class, you and any birth partners should feel well-equipped to navigate a variety of birth and postpartum experiences—calmly and confidently.

This weekend is designed to be an opportunity for expecting families to get to know one another, share a meal together, and learn some cool new things. Lunch will be provided both days. The class is open to anyone who has an interest in birth, and is included in the birth doula package for Breathe, Bitch Doula clients. Cost for non-doula clients is $500 per family.